
Unravelling the Onboarding Advantage.

We provide continuous support, monitoring progress and ensuring the engagement.  


We believe in a seamless integration process, where our selected professionals become an essential part of your team from day one. We ensure a smooth transition by handling all administrative tasks, paperwork, and any necessary training. Our goal is to make the onboarding experience efficient and effortless, allowing your augmented team to start contributing to your project immediately.

How it works

We analyse your project requirements, technical needs, and desired skill sets.

Effortless Onboarding for Enhanced Collaboration:

At Tecces, we understand that a successful talent augmentation partnership hinges on the seamless integration of our selected professionals into your existing team. Our onboarding process is meticulously designed to ensure that the transition is smooth, efficient, and hassle-free. Here's how we make it happen:

Personalized Onboarding Plan:

Each project is unique, and so is the onboarding process. We create a personalized onboarding plan tailored to your project's specific requirements. This plan outlines the steps, timelines, and training needed to bring our augmented professionals up to speed swiftly.

Administrative Assistance:

Navigating administrative tasks can be time-consuming and distract your team from focusing on the project's core objectives. To alleviate this burden, we take care of all administrative aspects, including paperwork, legal agreements, and payroll management. This allows your team to concentrate on what matters most – project success.

Technical Proficiency:

Navigating administrative tasks can be time-consuming and distract your team from focusing on the project's core objectives. To alleviate this burden, we take care of all administrative aspects, including paperwork, legal agreements, and payroll management. This allows your team to concentrate on what matters most – project success.

Seamless Integration:

Our selected professionals seamlessly integrate into your existing team, aligning with your team's communication channels and collaboration tools. We encourage open communication and foster a sense of camaraderie to promote a healthy and productive work environment.

Project Knowledge Transfer:

To ensure that our augmented professionals hit the ground running, we facilitate a comprehensive knowledge transfer process. This includes sharing relevant project documentation, code repositories, and any other essential resources. We also encourage collaborative sessions to help them gain insights into the project's context and objectives.

Training and Skill Development:

If the project requires specific skills or technologies, we offer targeted training to our selected professionals. This enables them to quickly adapt to your project's requirements and deliver results with precision.

Ongoing Support:

Even after the onboarding phase, we continue to provide support to our augmented team. Our dedicated support staff is available to address any queries, concerns, or challenges that may arise. We work closely with you and our augmented professionals to ensure they have the resources and guidance they need for optimal performance.

The Onboarding Advantage:

Accelerated Productivity: Our efficient onboarding process minimizes the time it takes for our selected professionals to become productive contributors to your project.

Resource Optimization: By handling administrative tasks and training, we free up your team’s valuable time, allowing them to focus on project-specific tasks.

Seamless Collaboration: Our focus on seamless integration fosters a harmonious collaboration between your existing team and our augmented professionals.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Our onboarding process is designed to adapt to your project’s changing needs, ensuring agility and scalability as your project evolves.

Feel free to customize and adapt the content to align with your website’s style and messaging. If you have any specific requirements or need further assistance, let me know, and I’ll be happy to help!

UK Office:

63 Gale Street Rochdale OL 12 0BG
Tel: +44 20-8638-8005
E: info@tecces.com

USA Office:

2918 Sutton Pl, Emporia, KS 66801
Tel: +1 347-690-4914
E: info@tecces.com

MENA Office:

Office No. G06A, DBC Building.
Tel: +971 50-113-2643
E: info@tecces.com
